Mognet's First Contest!

Contest Results:
I've gotta' say, it really was hard to pick the winner of this contest. No, I'm serious, it really was. Despite that just about everyone went for stick figure strips or copy-paste strips, I could still tell that you guys probably put a lot of effort into this stuff, and I only wish I could give prizes to everyone. But that would cost a lot of money, and it would defeat the whole purpose of having a contest.
Anyways, there were all of five people that entered (Eight entries total), so I hope those of you that didn't enter will realize- Hey, there really weren't a whole lot of people... maybe I should enter next time. And no doubt Tim will laugh at me for spending money on such a small contest, but durnit, I had fun.
In any case, before I tell you who won, let me tell you who almost won. I was sooooooo close to giving the prize to Brad Leblond, simply because I was amused by the novelty of the nature of his strip. Not only did he copy-paste from Mognet's comics, but he copy-pasted stick figures. That in itself was frickin' hillarious to me, I gotta' say.
But the one that I ended up going with was the very first entry I recieved. George Young, AKA Furysword, sent in a strip that hit a number of different areas. My love for Gran Turismo 3, the "Running gag" of stealing material from other strips, the irony of the little "I'm a writer, not an artist line"... But the thing that pushed this one over the edge for me was that it was kinda' a tribute to the readers of the strip, as well. OK, so it only mentions two of them, but it's still the thought that counts. I mean, you guys are the reason this strip is here. You guys... make me FLY!!!
Anyways, Georgie boy, I'll be sending you an E-Mail soon to confirm your address and all that. And as for everyone else, thank you sooooooo much for entering, and... err... don't hurt me for not picking you as the winner. And if you wanna' see what everyone else did, check out the Guest Strips and Gift Art parts of the Art section of the 'site. Since no one's sent any of either yet, everything in there should be a contest entry. And I marked them all anyways.
Anyways, feel free to question my judgement in the messageboards, and though it won't do one bit of good, it'd be interesting to see what entry you guys would have picked as a winner. And no, I'm not changing my mind.... I think.

Contest Rules:
You can enter via one of two ways. You can either make a piece of original fanart featuring Mognet's characters, or you can make a guest strip for Mognet.

If making fanart, you can use any type of creation tool (Real or digitized) that you want, but the results must be in either .GIF or .JPG format, and of a reasonable size (For examples, check out Tim's Rec Art.

If making a guest strip, you can create it any way you want, but the results must be in .GIF format, and again, at a reasonable size (Comparable to our comics- it's width should easily fit in a maximized window, but it's heigth isn't that important).

In either case, your entry can be in B&W or color. I know we haven't told you much about Mognet's characters yet, but by now you should have a basic feel for their personalities, as well as a general idea for the premise of the strip- Feel free to show Mognet characters interacting with videogame characters, show Cas trapped in the latest episode of Star Trek, whatever. Or show them just talking to each other. Use your imagination.

The winner will be picked purely according to my personal tastes, so if your art skills aren't all that great, you can get away with it by making your entry really funny (Or cool or cute or interesting), and on the other side, if you're not sure what kinda' situation you'd draw them in, you might be able to get away with it simply by drawing them really well.

When you're done, send me an E-Mail with your name (Or whatever you want to go by), address, and either a link to your entry (Which is preferred), or your entry as an attachment. All entries must be recieved by midnight PST on Saturday, August 4, and the contest winner will be announced on Monday, August 6.

The contest winner will recieve one brand spankin' new Logitech Optical Mouse. I was thinking of having the prize be a game, but I think this works out better. I have no idea how many of you have what game systems, or if any of you might have whatever game I'd pick. On the other hand, I assume all of you have PCs, and optical mice are VERY cool, though it seems not many people have them just yet. And to sweeten the deal, this one's both USB and PS/2-compatible, and works with Windows 95/98/2000/ME/NT4.0 and Mac OS 8.6 or later, so unless your system's really old or running Linux, you should be able to run this baby just fine.

But even if you don't win, I plan on having ALL entries displayed, so please don't hesitate to send me something (Hell, the webcomic is all stick figures this week. I'm desperate).

Mognet is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.