The "Are you a better writer than Jake?" Contest

Contest Results:
Well, this strip, by Kevin Clark, is the winner of the contest. I have to say, when I first saw it, I wasn't all that impressed. It seemed straightforward and all, and didn't do much for me. Upon reading it a second time, though, I realized the silliness of it all. The stairs... full? Heh, well anyways, Tim and I went back-and-forth over who should win (The reason why we're so late in announcing the winner), but we finally decided that this was, in our opinions, the funniest and most original entry. Thanks to all who entered!

Contest Rules:
To enter, You simply have to think of a good line for Gendo (The guy with glasses) to say in the last panel of this strip. Being familliar with Evangelion may help, but is not by any means necessary. As long as it's funny, that's all ya' need.
When you're done thinkin' of something, send me an E-Mail with your name (Or whatever you want to go by), address (Entries without an address will be ignored- sorry, but I have to know where I'll be sending the prize), and the line Gendo's supposed to say. All entries must be recieved by midnight PST on Thursday, January 31, and the contest winner will be announced on Friday, Ferbruary 1.

The winner will be chosen between Me, Tim, and Ish (if we can convince him to come out of his cave), on the criteria of... uhhh... how funny we think it is.

The contest winner will recieve a brand new Kensington PC Camera (With the UPC cut out because I'm a cheap bastard that wanted the mail-in rebate). Yeah, it's not the most incredible prize, I know, but all you have to do is write one frickin' sentence to get it, so I think that's fair.

In any case, I reserve the right to share your entries with the group, so don't do anything that will make your mother disown you. On the other hand, I reserve the right to NOT share your entry with the group, so if you do something damn boring, don't whine to me when I don't publicize it.

In any case, get goin', and... uhhh... have fun!

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