
Jake's Clever Banter
9/14/01 - I need some distraction
oh beautiful release
memory seeps from my veins

Today's pic was actually drawn by Ish, to salute the other half of the nation caught up in Tuesday's atrocities- the heroes. The police, the firemen, the blood donors, our government officials- everyone who's banded together to help those in need in this disaster.

Today's update is really late, I know, and I have to say that I've been terrible all week. I haven't been emotionally destroyed by this whole thing like many seem to be (Despite my shock which still hasn't subsided), but my physical condition has been pretty crappy. I've been going through my day dizzy and light-headed, as if detatched from my body, and sounds seem to be coming from far off... If this doesn't let up, I'll have to see a doctor.

Erk. Anyways, things look to be returning back to normal, so hopefully we should be back to posting strips come Monday. And now that people are finally starting to get back to their lives, it's sad to see how much of our lives have changed by the event.

In addition to the barriers the airport scare has put on us seeing our loved ones, the shipping of those videogames that were so important earlier this week have all been delayed. That's OK, it can be taken in stride. The real sad news is what it's doing to the stuff coming up. Movie after movie after movie has reported changes in response to the event, from small changes to Spider-Man's advertising, to a change in plot to the upcoming Men in Black sequel, to the possible cancellation of a War of the Worlds remake (Which is just as well), in addition to the next Schwarzenneger movie.

Add to that the cancellation of Sega's Propellor Arena in America, and the unkown state of MGS2's future, and things start to add up. Now to many of you, this may seem like a silly thing to complain about in the wake of so much death, but the way I see it, this is just one more way that the terrorist's attack has been successful. They not only attacked our people, our safety, and our property- they attacked our way of life.

Hopefully, things'll turn out for the best.

9/11/01 - let me be empty
and weightless and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight

It's strange being an American today. Surreal, tragic, scary, and strange.

It's strange knowing that today could have been like any other day, but will now live forever in infamy.

It's strange knowing that we've observed events that hundreds of years from now children will be reading in history books.

It's strange knowing that today will likely be remembered in the same way as Presidential assasinations of the past, everyone remembering perfectly exactly where they were when they heard the news.

It's strange knowing that more than ten thousand people who were alive and breathing and loved by their friends and families, today cease to exist.

It's strange knowing that the World Trade Center, two of the tallest buildings in the world, and a testament to human accomplishment, are now wiped from the face of the earth.

It's strange knowing that the Pentagon, a symbol of America's security, has now been the target of the first successful attack against it.

It's strange knowing that such an emotional and irrational attack was obviously made by a group of people who must have spent a great deal of time to carefully plan such a terrible bloodbath on people they'd never met, that never did them any harm.

It's strange knowing that these same people who seem to want to do something so terrible on principle refuse to take responsibility for their actions.

It's strange knowing that America could well stand on the brink of war.

It's strange knowing that people across the world are mourning tonight.

Yesterday was so normal. In fact, it was outright boring. When I went to bed last night, I expected today to follow suit. I woke up late this morning, and walking downstairs, I saw the World Trade Center's destruction replayed on my TV. I thought someone left a movie running.

You've no doubt heard about it by now, but just in case, here's a link. Tim (Who didn't have time to write a rant for today, but drew a nice memorial sketch) and I have both run the wide expanse of emotions that you've no doubt felt. Confusion, sadness, anger, fear, but most strongly, shock. It's all so surreal. It's the kind of thing that happens in Arnold Shwarzenegger movies, not in real life.

Let me speak out about a few things here- First, I've noticed some people criticizing George W. Bush, crying the woes of how inadequate they believe him to be, and predicting doom in the future at his hands. Stop it. I don't know jack about the guy, but I do know that right now, his job is hell. He's got more of a burden than any man should bear right now, and any kind of complaining about the man because of your personal opinion at this point seems very petty.

Second, I'd like to make a personal plea for a moment of reflection for the police and firemen that died in New York City today. These are people whose only purpose was the simple and admirable goal of saving lives, and the thought that so many heroes could die as the direct result of the actions of someone else is horrible.

Third, don't give in to vengance. The US has set itself up as the police of the world, and in doing has made itself the unfortunate target of retribution from those who disagree with it's morals. But if they did as many have suggested and just "Bombed the hell out of those bastards", all of the noble ideals that have been fought for have been lost.

And fourth, remember that even though we saw the worst parts of human nature today, we also saw the best. The great amount of help those in NYC have gotten from their neighbors across the country, be it from donations of blood, money, and moral support have reputedly be overwhelming. So remember, that even in the darkest of times, there is hope. And you may well be a part of it.

In respect for those that died today, Tim and I will not be posting new strips for an undecided period of time. We may be back on Friday, or we may take longer. At the moment, I don't feel like telling any jokes, and I doubt you feel like laughing. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I can assure you that once things show signs of returning to normal, so will Mognet.

Also, Tim found a very beautiful and sad picture that will take the place of our header pics for the remainder of the week. Kirby and Rei can wait for their share of the spotlight 'till next week. In the meantime, if any of our readers have friends or family caught in the middle of this disaster, I wish the best for you, even if I couldn't possibly fathom your sorrow.

9/10/01 - That's right, it's aaaaaaaall Kirby

That's right- another pic of Kirby. Despite that I play the board on Smash Bros (I even kick ass with J-Puff), I really love Kirby. He's just got so much variety, and is just soooo cute... So for at least a few week's worth of updates, I have no qualms with showing my love for the little pink wonder.

And after recently getting the chance to play the game multiplayer again at a friend's party, I realize that I may have been losing my touch. Oh, it's not so much my skill, but rather my attitude. One of the other guys was a real cheapskate, and I always try to beat on cheapskates, instead of doing the smart thing and avoiding them. Meantime, one of the other guys would attack me while I was doing this, without realizing I'd often already taken the most damage out of the three of us. So, basically, I've been subjecting myself to a two-on-one pounding. But next time, I'll be ready... oh ho ho...

Despite that I really like today's strip, and think Tim did an excellent job drawing it, we wanted to make it something more than it is. But time restraints, and... some other stuff... kept that from happening. Hopefully, though, it'll be for the best, as there's an upcoming strip I'd really like our "staff" to focus on for the time being anyways.

In other news... well, hell, there isn't really a whole lot of other news. The really awesome games aren't being released until the end of the month, and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot happening in the way of announcements, so I guess I'll dispense with the stuff you've probably read on gaming news 'sites for today.

Tim's Clever Banter
9/14/01 - Try to remember when life was so tender that no one wept except the willow.

It's been a long and harrowing week. Schools were still open in Bergen County, New Jersey, and each day was like a race that would never end... I felt so tired and pathetic that I just wanted to give up... but my will pushed me on, not to mention the undying support of my friends and family.

On Wednesday night, after my piano practice, my mother and I attended a candelight vigil one town over. I've never been to one of these before (when did the need ever arise?), so I didn't know what to expect.

It was really quite a beautiful scene. Uplighting speeches were given by the mayor, a priest, a rabbi, and a minister... We were led into songs of various psalms. The sunset painted a variety of reds and oranges in the few clouds in the sky... and during the final song, "God Bless America", as if on cue, a flight of birds soared overhead, as the light of the candles' flames reflected in the tears of the mourners below...


I believe in giving credit where credit's due, so... It was Ish who suggested we do something to respect the firefighters, policemen, and everyone else who helped out this past week. He followed up by doing an excellent job of today's memorial drawing, which should be the last one before Mognet returns to normal next week. Thanks, Ish.

Credit should also be given to Geoff Moran, the author of Wednesday's "America" rant, who also gave me that symbolic, striking photo we used to replace Kirby and Rei. Actually, it was a friend of Geoff's, Tric, who sent that to him, who in turn, sent it to me... Thanks, guys.

And I'd like to thank Jake, who's been the one staying up the past few nights doing these updates. Again, hopefully, Mognet will be the wacky way it once was next week.

Meanwhile, hang in there... The race isn't over yet. Don't falter.

9/12/01 - ...

I'd say something profound today, but why bother when so many others have said it better than I ever could?

Jake's thoughts reflect my own. This is an awful time, one that will definitely be talked about through the ages. We just have to get through this... together.

So, I'll end this with the thoughts of a college friend of mine, Geoff Moran:

"What amazes me about America is that we are so sure of our power and prestige that we never think to look around at the small but powerful forces that surround us. We eat and drink and make merry all the while people of the world go hungry and die of starvation. We think to ourselves that we have it made, we are in the country where dreams are made and the streets are paved in gold.

Yet what is it that we have built? What have we took so long to create that can be destroyed in a matter of minutes? How many great men have fought and died for our country just so it could be destroyed by one man with a mission? To me, America is more than a word. It's more than the home of the few, the proud, the brave, the red white and blue.

To me, America is my home. America is a place where I can put my confidence. America is football, America is baseball, America is hockey. America is something that we hold near and dear to our hearts, and yet we never realize just how fragile it is. We clutch to it tightly, a babe to a breast, yet we never realize that at any moment it could all be taken from us. It could all slip through our fingers without us ever realizing what happened. America needs to realize that she is not the invincible force we imagine it to be. America is something more profound, and more fragile. America is not only a newborn world power, not only the strongest military power in the world, not only the most influential power in the world. America is a dream, America is a feeling, America is something indescribable. We take pride in our country, and it takes pride in us. And when someone tries to take this pride, this indescribable feeling, that is when we fight back.

We will not take such actions toward us lightly. To step on our soil and leave blood in your wake is something America will not and will never tolerate. America will avenge her lost brothers and sisters, and take back what little can be restored."

9/10/01 - Howlin' Mad Murphy, I love you!

Ah, the start of a new week. And I feel refreshed!! What a nice weekend I've had. Inbetween working my ass off on a particular comic strip I got a haircut! YEAHH!!! And I swung a golf club back and forth! YEAHH!!! Then I watched American Beauty! YEAHH!!! And played online chess with one of Mognet's readers! YEAHH!!! And... and... uhh... I've gotta run in a cross country meet today, so, umm... I gotta rest up or else my legs will break. Umm... YEAHH!!!

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