More Star Wars goodness
Jake's Clever Banter
11/8/01 - No! Don't leave us!

We're well aware that we're having problems at the moment. You're well-aware that we have problems at the moment. You're well-aware that we're well-aware that we have problems at the moment. We're well-aware that you're well-aware that we have problems at the moment. You're well-aware that... Ah, screw it.

To re-iterate, we've been through the following:

One national incident invloving a terrorist attack on the US.
Many weeks of Tim's intensive track meets.
Tim's social life ramping up.
Tim's schoolwork ramping up.
My job ramping up.
The release of many, many, many grade-A videogames (Hey, we're only human).
A great deal of confusion on my behalf reguarding our E-Mail account.
Me getting Tony Hawk 3 (I know I mentioned games, but this deserves special mention).
Working on a super-secret project.
Preparing multiple contests (I've already got the prizes for our next THREE contests, and I'm just waiting for the right time to roll them out).
Tim losing internet connectivity unexpectedly earlier today.
Me catching a crippling cold that I'm suffering the worst of right now (I'm in severe pain, no joke).
Me dealing with a perpetually increasingly aggrivating problem regarding getting my car smog-checked.

Please forgive us. When Tim and I started, we swore we'd never want to put our readers through the same crap Megatokyo readers often have to suffer through, but I think that lately, we've done worse. I'm very sorry, and I hope that those of you still left forgive us.

That said, I can guaruntee you that, barring any unforseeable website troubles, there WILL be a new strip on Friday. And we hope to try to get things back to normal after that. Meantime, today, we have an apology strip from John Kegla (AKA Keglamorphic). No, it's not a strip about apologizing. Erm... and no, John isn't apologizing either. You see, I'm puting it up to apol-... You know what, nevermind. New strip- Enjoy!

11/5/01 - Must... play... more

First off, I want to let you guys know- we didn't plan to be in the Evangelion story arc this long. This is by no means just an Evangelion comic, and the story was written when we were planning daily installments AND didn't anticipate all the delays we've run into. Because of that, this has become far longer than it should have been, and believe me- we want to get on with the story as much as you'd like us to get on with it.

... So, I got GTA3, like I said, and I got Tony Hawk 3, right. I've played a bit of GTA3, and it seems pretty good. I wouldn't really know, though, as TONY HAWK HAS STOLEN MY LIFE. Good god, I haven't been this addicted to a game in... hell, I can't remember. Stringing together trick after trick after trick, always trying to better my score, trying to make that grind a little longer, or that jump a little higher... I love you, Tony Hawk.

Oh, also, some people have been asking me, so I feel it should be made clear- yes, the shots of Smash Bros Melee and Rogue Leader I've been using for my header are actual gameplay shots from the Gamecube games. They really do look that good.

Also, my local Toy's R Us got in it's Gamecube demo unit, so I finally got the chance to try one out. Yes, the system itself is surprisingly tiny (About the size of a Kleenex box), and I'll mirror what everyone else has said about the controller- it's extremely comfortable. You just slip this baby into your hands and it's like it was meant to be there. The only complaints I can make are that I can see it being akward to use the A and B buttons at the same time, and the Z trigger is placed in a spot where it'll be a little akward to get to. Compared to the X-Box controller, though, it's heaven on earth. I'm still not sure how I think it stacks up to the Dualshock 2, though...

Anyways, as with the games, the kiosk had Rogue Leader, Luigi's Mansion, and Waverace demoed. I'll start by saying that Waverace's graphics didn't impress me as much as I thought they would. Very good, but not awe-inspiring like the first one. Luigi's, on the other hand, is in-frickin'-credible. You can't possibly appreciate the ibcredible lighting effects in this game until you see it in person.

While I was content to watch the first two, when my turn came around, I had to try Rogue Leader. Wow. Awesome looking game. I did notice that the play was VERY much on the... easy side, but it WAS the first level, so I guess I can't be too picky. Ooooooh, I hope I can get one at launch...

Jake's right! Kirby ROCKS!!!!
Tim's Clever Banter
11/5/01 - YARBLES!!

Huzzah! Another strip is up! FINALLY.

Saw Monsters Inc. over the weekend. Very good movie, it definitely matches up to the Toy Story films. The computer animation was simply breathtaking at times, especially John Goodman's character. That hairy oaf was animated NEATLY!!! AHAHAHA!!!

But of even more interest...was the STAR WARS EPISODE II teaser in front of it!! Oh MAN!! When the Lucasfilm logo popped up on screen I was going INSANE!! Clapping and whooping and KILLING AND AND AND!!! BOBA FETT!!!!!!! YYIIIIYEAHH!!!!!!!!!! CLONES!! CLONES!! ARE ATTACKING!!!!!!! OOOOOHHHH!!!! SAMUEL L. JACKSON: MAN OF ACTION!!

....Sorry 'bout that...

Umm... so. How about those Packers?

.........Beans. By the way. Anyone remember that old Captain N show? I sure do! ...And it hurts...

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