He's back.... sorta'
Jake's Clever Banter
11/16/01 - Ohhhh, Kojima, you nut you.

It's funny, halfway into the game (Or what I have to assume is about halfway), I suddenly realize that everything that's been shown to the public- the demos, the movies, the screenshots- have been carefully chosen to mislead everyone. Storyline-wise, this is much much bigger and more ambitious than what we were meant to believe, and I love every bit of it.

Erm... anyways... I said I'd talk about Monsters, Inc., didn't I? Well... although I think it was an awesome movie, it didn't seem to present the all-around package that Pixar's previous three films were. Largely, comedy takes a back seat to the story (Which IS very good), wheras the earlier movies seemed to have a perfect blend. In any case, I still reccomend it to anyone that wants to watch a good movie.

Oh, and that Star Wars trailer was keen.... though I was expecting more...

11/14/01 - Why am I always stuck writing these apologies?

... Oh yeah, it's because I'd really hate to lose any of the wonderful wonderful readers we already have. Gaw, there's just nothing I can do here. Regardless, I'll at least try to get strips put up as soon as possible, and I thought this one had gone up last night... Oh, well.

And in other news... MGS2 owns my soul. THPS3 had me ignoring better judgement and staying to play that extra hour even though I knew I needed to be getting sleep. MGS2 made me give sleep the finger and hope no one noticed my bloodshot eyes the next day. It's soooooooooo good. It DOES seem largely the type of game that you should really play the first game before it, so anyone wanting to buy the best PS2 game ever should also pick up the best PSX game ever (Metal Gear Solid) and play through that FIRST.

And so far, I have to say IGN's distaste for MGS2's story doesn't seem warranted to me. So far, this game's story is, if anything, better than the first. I should warn you guys, though... after the tanker, Kojima throws one hell of a curve ball at you. He must've been hard-pressed to find a way to top the first game's story, and he went all-out to make sure it could.

Although I'm not sure I like some of the changes this game makes (Ones I can't discuss without ruining huge plot twists), largely, I'm glued to my screen. And THAT'S why this post is up today instead of last night. "But Jake, you missed Monday!" Yeah. I know. It couldn't be helped. Sorry.

Also, I saw Monsters, Inc. the other day, but I think I'll save talking about that for the next time, because right now, I need to go water my cat.... err... feed my water... I mean, cat my plants... Ah, who am I fooling... I wanna' get back to the game...

Tim's Clever Banter
11/5/01 - YARBLES!!

Huzzah! Another strip is up! FINALLY.

Saw Monsters Inc. over the weekend. Very good movie, it definitely matches up to the Toy Story films. The computer animation was simply breathtaking at times, especially John Goodman's character. That hairy oaf was animated NEATLY!!! AHAHAHA!!!

But of even more interest...was the STAR WARS EPISODE II teaser in front of it!! Oh MAN!! When the Lucasfilm logo popped up on screen I was going INSANE!! Clapping and whooping and KILLING AND AND AND!!! BOBA FETT!!!!!!! YYIIIIYEAHH!!!!!!!!!! CLONES!! CLONES!! ARE ATTACKING!!!!!!! OOOOOHHHH!!!! SAMUEL L. JACKSON: MAN OF ACTION!!

....Sorry 'bout that...

Umm... so. How about those Packers?

.........Beans. By the way. Anyone remember that old Captain N show? I sure do! ...And it hurts...

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