HA! I step on you like puny BUGS!
Jake's Clever Banter
11/22/01 - Happy Whatever

I'm sorry, but you've no doubt already seen zillions of "Happy Thanksgiving" messages on other websites, and the whole "Happy Turkey Day" thing is so unbelievably stupid, I'd never stoop to such a thing... I figure "Happy Whatever" is more original and will stick in your minds a bit better... even though you may hate the way it sounds all impersonal and everything. If so, get your head out of your arse and stop being so picky. Ha! How's that for a holiday greeting?

Anyways, something needs to be said about the current strip. When I wrote it, I actually came up with two different punchlines. When I initially revealed them to Tim, he absolutely loved them both, and actually suggested we make them BOTH. Well... apparently time changes all, and after looking the "script" a second time, both Tim AND Ish hated both versions.

Well, that's fine, I say. I understand if a fresh look revealed a horrible flaw or something to them, and I'm willing to admit I can often be wrong. So, rather than giving up and tossing the strip out, I decided to give Tim and Ish full creative control over this one. That's right- the basic premise came from my head, but what you see today is mostly attributable to Tim and Ish, for better or worse (I thought the original two I wrote are better, but Tim and Ish both agree that their versions are a huge improvement).

In any case, I just wanted you people to know- I do not pee my pants! Well... except when they revealed MGS2, but that's different!

11/19/01 - Let them eat cake!

Or rather, "Let them eat more delays!" Yeah, Tim's still working on this next strip. He didn't particularly like my punchline, so I figgered it's be a good idea to give him and Ish creative control over this one, so if it sucks, it was all his idea (And if it's great, letting him write this strip was all my idea!).

Also, Tim thought it might be a good idea to temporarily reduce our official production of strips to two a week, to give us time to catch up. Though it seems we're really only doing two a week anyways, I still thought it'd be a good idea to ask you guys about it first (Any reply, E-Mail or one the forums, would be appreciated).

Meantime, it's impressions time. First off, I beat MGS2. I should warn you people that towards the end, the plot gets a bit convoluted and silly (Exponentially moreso than the original), and the ending is somewhat anticlimatic. Although I think the game excels as a whole, the plot was far too ambitious for it's own good.

Aaaaaand the Gamecube is out and I've got one. YAY! Only have Star Wars at this point (And that's really all I need, too). It's, as expected, very good, though the first level is a bit simplistic. Largely, though, I've noticed- I really suck at this game. Poo. Oh well... I'll get better... And in the meantime, I have Smash Bros. to look forward to. YAY!

Can you smell what The Rock's cooking?! Wait... No, it's just the XBox overheating.
Tim's Clever Banter
11/19/01 - I'm late again! HAHHHH!!!!!

..............SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!! Don't hit me!! Please!

Today's strip couldn't be completed on time, because my sleep is more important than you. But I've gotta say, the comic is looking great, and it's pretty damn funny too. I bet ya can't wait! .......Sorry!!

So, to fix this little dilemma Mognet seems to be in, Jake and I are discussing of possibly changing the comic schedule. We may have to put up two comics a week, instead of the usual three, until I get my act together. I'm sorry, but homework and other priorities *cough*metalgearsolid2*cough* eat way too much of my drawing time. Hopefully, with the schedule change, this will change soon.

Meanwhile, those Star Wars: Episode II teasers are awfully... teasing....yeah. That's all I gotta say about movies.

Videogame-wise, Metal Gear Solid 2 is indeed the cat's pajamas. Hideo Kojima and his team at Konami are friggin' geniuses to craft something this fun. The story's a little weird (all these twists!) but I'm sure it'll all make sense in the end. If not... Devil May Cry and Grand Theft Auto 3 will keep me happy! The Playstation 2 is a fantastic machine. Who needs a Gamecube or an XBox?

Speaking of Gamecube and XBox, they are both out now and the videogame world got a whole lot crazier. Just look at my Pic of the Week. The Rock and Bill Gates, after a game of Dead or Alive 3 (Breast Fighters 2001), celebrating in New York City..........

What is the world coming to? ...And yes, that is the XBox behind them. Moments after this picture was taken, the gargantuan gaming system rised into the air and vaporized everyone in the crowd with its laser vision.

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