The hunt begins...
Jake's Clever Banter
1/16/02 - Huzzah!

For a while there, Keenspace was taking forever to update, but it looks like things returned to normal just in time for the newest comic. And Friday's is already set to go, as well, so for once we may actually have two comics in a row without delays! Yay! Meantime, please give us your say-so on the forums as to a strip you'd like to see colored. And with the angel being beaten... hmm... This means we're getting close to the end of this story arc... I'd better start writing strips again. By gar, it's been a while.

1/14/02 - Well, crap.

Yeah, Tim's late in getting the comic to me again. It stings even more now, because it's supposedly close to done. Meantime, Ish and I have concocted a way to have SOMETHING for you readers while Tim tries to get hiss thumb out of hi- Err... I mean, while he fervently tries to get these strips done (Note to Tim: I'm just joking, man. You're cool).
Now that Ish has taught me the way of the color-er, he and I will start coloring random strips of the past. But we decided, to make it a bit more fun, we'd involve you guys. I'll be starting a poll on the forum to decide which strip best deserves the color treatment, and you guys can put in your votes as to which one you think should go first. Fun, eh? Meantime, I'll be posting the new strip as soon as I get it...

...wet like you can't believe.
Tim's Clever Banter
1/11/01 - Final Fantasy X rules.

Yes. It does.

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