Got a problem with that? Bite me.
Jake's Clever Banter
3/6/02 - Wow again.

Tim (Barely) made it on time again! 5 Days in a row now! Woooo! How long can he go! Heh, I kid, but really I'm proud of the guy. With no intervention from me (No, really, this time I haven't bugged him at all, I swear!), he's stepped up the comic-making process without making much of a dent at all in the quality of the art. So... if you're in school now, Tim, and getting out comics quickly, exactly what did you spend all that vacation time doing, eh?

In other news, Gamespot really likes Rallysport Challenge on the XBox, which is good, because I've been looking for a game to be enthusiastic about on the system (And I was looking forward to Rallysport long before the hype had built for it). I mean, we all know what I think about Halo. DOA3 is nice and all, but not entirely necessary. And then, there's Project Gotham...

In my ongoing attempts to try to keep an open mind about these things, I gave it a second go. Having never played MSR, I didn't have any pretense about what the game would be like or anything, which is just as well, because to all reports, I would have been dissapointed. All in all, I'd say it's a fun distraction somewhere between the simmy-ness of Gran Turismo and the arcadey-ness of... errr.... an arcadey racing game. Given the fact that I don't like most racing games that are even remotely realistic, the fact that Project Gotham didn't bore me to tears certainly places it above most of the pack for me.

In the end, it's good... Again, not the awesome system-seller everyone says it is, but very good. Oh, and then there's the graphics thing. My previous opinion still stands, but I'll clarify a bit on it. Project Gotham looks a lot cleaner than Gran Turismo 3. Perhaps better texturing, better resolution, better anti-aliasing. But I still think, regardless of that fact, Gran Turismo still looks better. The lighting, the camera work, the little bits and pieces and just the way the cars themselves move, to me, seems real- a feat Gotham just doesn't do for me.

As for the other stuff, I can't control Tony Hawk worth crap on the XBox controller (Though depending on how the XBox S controller feels, I might spring for TH3 though, just for the editable soundtrack), nor do I care for the majority of the rest of the PS2 ports, as I already own the ones I'm interested in and there's not much changed in the XBox versions. Blood Wake, Amped and Transworld Surf all look interesting, but I'm not sure if I wanna' buy 'em, and although I'd love to get Fuzion Frenzy, my sibs don't seem interested in it, and a party game other people won't play, regardless of how good it is, sucks.

So that leaves me with a console that, at the moment, will probably sit and look un-pretty while my PS2 gets all the action. Don't worry, though. I don't doubt for a second that someday a really great game will come along for it. Someday.

Meantime, the news world spins on... Remember that lawsuit the Columbine parents were gonna' start against the big videogame companies for turning their kids into homicidal maniacs? Well, the judge threw the case out before it was even started on the grounds that the lawsuit was a bunch of bullshit, and the prosecutors a bunch of moronic bastards who didn't have a half a brain combined. Thank god one person as the common sense to stand up against whiny conservative parents and tell them that the reason their kids are screwed up isn't because of videogames, but because they suck as parents.

This Sunday, CBS plans to shed some light on another dipshit cowardly attack- footage from inside the World Trade Center when the planes were slamming into it back in September. Apparently, I'm told a French film crew was filming inside one of the buildings when the attacks began. And despite that CBS is hamming it up for all it's worth- advertising the hell out of it and doing the "Uninterrupted by commercials" thing, you can still bet that the entire population of America will be watching it (Yeah, yeah, myself included).

A new PS2 Contra sequel in the works (Hopefully not like the PSX Contras), a rumored PS2 price drop, Dragon Warrior IV's US release on the PSOne cancelled, Oh, and Final Fantasy XI will have Job classes! Reveled so far are Warrior, Thief, Monk, White Mage, Red Mage, Black Mage, Knight, Summoner, Bard, Ninja, Samurai, Gunner, Hunter, Dark Knight and Trainer. And as I can only imagine they'd allow you to choose wht class you're in, this puts it one step closer to being like Final Fantasy Tactics, which makes me VERY happy.

On a final note, be sure to grab the sexxxxxxxxxxxy Xenosaga wallpaper images The GIA scrounged up. Ohhohhhhoohhohhhh... Err... uhm... *Wipes drool from face*.

Oh yeah, one last 'site-related thing. Emelie Johansson submitted this muy kawaii gift art of Chibi Ish! Idn't that cuuuute! Oh... and... ehm.. A long while ago, John Kegla was nice enough to submit a guest strip to us, and I... ehm... sorta... errr... forgot to put it up. Sorry!

*Runs for cover*

3/4/02 - Wow.

We've actually met deadline four days in a row. I... I don't know what to say. Tim's obviously been working very hard, and I commend him on uhhh... being commendable. That said.... uhhh... yeah.

Tim's Clever Banter
3/4/02 - I think my diaper is wet.

Soy mucho, mucho demasiado perezoso escribir el comentario que usted entendería. Deje solo LEÍDO. Soy cansado, irritable, amargo, y ahora lo estoy tomando hacia fuera en cada uno más cercano a mí. Espero que usted sea feliz. Soy ARTISTA! No encero el tablero de instrumentos. Lavaplatos púrpura del mono. AHA! AHAHAHA!!! De hecho. Señale a la petunia inmediatamente, corncob. Arruine este calentador del espacio! Es demasiado ruidoso para mi sentido! Alguien no satisfará presta una mano?! Maldígale! Usted la sopló para arriba! Maldígale todo al infierno!

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