No, really
Jake's Clever Banter
11/11/02 - A short note to anyone still here

No, we're not dead yet. Things have just come up, both for Tim and myself, that have drained away our time. As much as we care about this webcomic and want to keep it going, my job(s) and Tim's schoolwork come first. It's that time of year again, and things are starting to get hectic all-around. Maybe Tim will get some strips done, and maybe I'll do more Gom strips, but I can't be sure, and it's stretching my time to write this just now. We WILL keep going, but I'm afraid this slow spot we're seeing is probably going to remain slow for now.

10/16/02 - Still busy

And no, Jeff. We're not dead. For the hundredth time.

9/28/02 - Sorry... I've been busy

Today's "Strip" is actually a "Political cartoon" Tim had to draw for school, but I felt I'd share it with you guys since you might enjoy it, too. For those that haven't heard, Greece has finally dissolved the law that made videogames illegal, but mostly the damage has already been done, as the videogame business in that country is now shot to shit.

I wanted to comment on the last strip, too. You see, I do not have bad aim. The character based on me does. Not that I've ever fired a real gun. Just the light gun videogames. But in those, my aim is pretty good, you see. So in closing, my character is not me. Yeah.

Anyways, I have the next strip ready to go on Monday, so no more delays! Well, this time...

Animal Crossing. It's here.
Tim's Clever Banter
9/20/02 - Hot dogs.



Well, it seems that Batman vs. Superman movie is dead. And after alllllllll that. Shit, I hate Hollywood.

Instead we're getting a Superman remake from Brett Ratner, the guy behind the overrated Rush Hour movies and the upcoming Hannibal Lecter prequel, Red Dragon. It seems all this guy's gonna do is Jackie Chan comedies and remakes. His Samurai Jack live-action movie has been rumored for a while, but the way things are going now I bet the cartoon will be cancelled before that project ever sees a chance.

Speaking of cancellation, the fucktards running the Sci-Fi Channel have cancelled Farscape, the last interesting and worthwhile show on TV. I knew it was gonna happen sometime, but I didn't think it'd be this soon. It's reasonable to think that the fuckos who cancelled Mystery Science Theater, Good vs. Evil, and The Invisible Man would cancel one MORE awesome piece of programming, but it's just too sad to believe. So, see ya 'round, Sci-Fi. Heck, I'm saying goodbye to my TV.

At least I've got the second Excel Saga DVD to watch yet... and I still gotta finish the Escaflowne series before I get the movie. And of course, the End of Evangelion DVD is out next week.


Anyway, enough consumer woes. Hmm. Although, on a slightly related note, I would like to commend Jake for his 9/11 editorial. It takes a lot of courage to truly state and back up your beliefs and opinions, and Jake did so admirably. I too share his sentiments on the whole "bandwagon patriot" thing, as close-minded morons like that run rampant everywhere these days, especially in such a closed environment as a high school.

Christ, high school fuggin' breeds idiots like that.

But enough talk! Have at you! And enjoy the comic, and your weekend! *off to see Ecks vs. Sever and One Hour Photo*

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