No, really
Jake's Clever Banter
1/18/03 - Problems, problems

With any luck, by the time you read this, the last comic will have been fixed. It had a screwy upload, and my internet service has been down, making me unable to repair it. Anyways, go back if ya' missed it!

Meantime... uhh... well, Darkness Falls looks stupid. An' that's all I got to say about that.

1/15/03 - By Gar, it's been a while

And while no doubt our erratic updates have driven away our entire readership, we're still doing this. Weird, eh?

Anyways, this (late) strip is obviously about the tenth and supposedly final Star Trek: Next Generation film. To put it mildly, it was a bit of a disappointment. While easily better than the ludicrously stupid Star Trek V and the horrendously boring Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Star Trek: Nemesis is a poor way to end the Next Generation Saga. For starters, most of the characters were completely ignored, plot holes abounded, and the entire idea of making the crew's final encounter be against a clone of Picard is... silly at best.

Then, make the movie by mixing uneven parts of Star Trek 2, 4 and Insurrection, with little if any originality. Oh, and be sure to throw a bunch of weird filters on the cameras to make the movie physically painful to watch. In short, this movie was wonderful... for me to poop on.

12/27/02 - There. I finally changed that pic. Happy?

Also, I should mention that this strip was actually delayed a day or two by the fact that Hotmail has been sucking ass. I should also mention that Otaku Tess has graced our presence with another piece of art. I owe Tess an apology, as I took a bit longer than I thought I would to post this. So... sorry, Tess. And for the rest of you, merry Christmas and whatnot!

Tim's Clever Banter
12/4/02 - Holiday Rush

Well, there's the comic. I, of course, will never forget the NES or the Super Nintendo and I adore the Big N for keeping their classics alive, whether by GBA ports or NES emulation in Animal Crossing. Which, by the way, is a very fine game. Who knew pulling weeds and writing letters to goats could be so fun?

That's just one of a million games I gotta beat before Christmas rolls around... and it's already in three weeks. 3 WEEKS!! Is it just me or did this year go by faster than... a really fast thing that... shoots... other fast things. It doesn't even feel like Christmas time, what with New Jersey's filthy lack of snow and all the assholes running about. Yeesh.

Oh well, I saw Die Another Day over the Thanksgiving break. People either seem to love it, hate it, or are reasonably entertained by it. I guess I fall in the third category. There's a lot the movie does right, regarding James Bond as a character, but a run for its... cheese. Which I don't really mind. My movie tastes range from classics like Memento and In The Bedroom to action fluff like The Mummy and Starship Troopers. Ah well. Adaptation, the movie based on Being John Malkovich scribe Charlie Kaufman's life, is coming out this Friday, so be sure to see that!


My header image is Tsukasa, the main character in Bandai's upcoming new fantasy series .hack//SIGN. You've no doubt heard of it by now, it's about a gamer who's "stuck" in an online RPG called The World, and he's supposedly found a secret hacked item or something that could... do bad things. I'm not entirely sure what it's about myself, but I've managed to find the first three episodes or so on Kazaa and it seems very promising. It's got an amazing presentation, with character designs by Evangelion's Yoshiyuki Sadamoto and a great, unique soundtrack. The animation doesn't seem too bad either, and it's definitely got one of the best first episodes around.

I'd talk more but I gotta jet. Varsity fall sports dinner... ugh.

11/25/02 - We're Back!: A Mognet Story

It's been a while. For anyone who's kept score, you're correct if you said it's been exactly... a.... while...

Being the artist type guy I suppose I owe you an explanation as to what's been UP with me lately. Well, as you can see, we've totally scrapped the epic storyline we've had in store for you. Who knows if it'll turn up again, but frankly, I doubt it. I stopped drawing because I lost enthusiasm for what we were doing here, because, well, it just wasn't very funny.

Time also played a big part, since I didn't have very much of it. School, homework, projects, college apps, and shit like that took up a lot of my time there for a while. It's lightened up considerably since then, thankfully. That whole "social thing" got in the way too.

Ah well. Let's hope the updates keep up this shot around.

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