Jake's Clever Banter
8/24/01 - Okashina Okashi Crossover week!

Well, this is the third and final strip in our keen crossover week, and... uhh... I guess that's all I got to say about that. You guys may not have even noticed, but I made a mistake on the archives page that I fixed just today (Note to Tim- You were right about the dates- I don't need that one strip until Wednesday).

Also, in keeping with the "We rip everything off from other webcomics" theme, Tim insisted that we use that awesome pic of Rei above his rant, and personally, I have no objections.

But, as a result, I had to steal... err... find a pic for my side, and I decided that Asuka is the perfect polar opposite to Rei, so it only makes sense to have a pic of her up there. Yeah, I stole this one from IGN, but I was pressed for time and couldn't remember any other 'sites that posted good EVA character shots... Though it really would be hard to beat that Rei pic anyways... In any case, this is an experiment, and if I like it, it'll stay, and if I don't... It won't.

In other news, Spaceworld has finally arrived and... I don't think Nintendo could've pissed people off more if they went up onstage and started giving everyone the finger (Which, at this point, would be the only way they could still convince people they're still trying to aim at an older audience).

First off, what's going right so far? Well, 1080 2, in my opinion, looks incredible, and though 6 seconds of footage aren't much to go on (Thanks, Nintendo...), it could very well be the best-looking snowboarding game ever created. And there's Soul Calibur 2, which should appease some of the older gamers (Again, only 6 seconds!? What the hell are they trying to pull!?)

That's it.

That's right, that's all the positive stuff I have to say about Spaceworld's opening. You know all this buildup, all the secrecy about it being the earth-shattering event that shows Nintendo to be a HUGE competitor in the industry? Well, not only did none of that shit happen, but Nintendo actually managed to knock themselves down a few notches. How so? Well, let's start with the simple stuff...

To start, SSB: Melee has been delayed 'til December, and it's been made more unclear wether or not Rogue Leader will hit launch. Now despite that this is understandable (Anything to get the game done right), it's still dissapointing, as those were the two games I would've bought at launch. *Sigh* I guess Pikmin, Luigi's Mansion, and Wave Race don't look all that bad, either...

But then, those got delayed, too. They'll be out two weeks later than previously thought, because the system will be out two weeks later than previously thought. That's right, kiddies! Nintendo chucked their lead time over the X-Box (Supposedly to make more units- Just how many can you make in two weeks!?). Despite that the difference in dates was trivial anyways, it's no huge deal, but it still means something.

Oh, and apparently Nintendo says they intentionally chose to delay the next Mario game, so they'd have software for next year. Uhm, excuse me? Why not give us Luigi and Pikmin next year, huh? Mario at Nintendo launches is a tradition, and it's sad to see Nintendo ignoring it's traditions...

... Which brings me to the worst part of all. Did you think Star Fox turning into a Zelda-esque game and Metroid becoming a FPS were bad? Wait 'till you see Mario and Zelda. Yeah, if you haven't already heard, they were unveiled at Spaceworld. The next game in the Mario lineage is to be titled "Mario Sunshine", and the next Zelda game (Which looks absolutely nothing like the footage from last year) is cel-shaded, in a SD-chibi style.

No doubt the games will be good (After all, Miyamoto's making them), but it's damn sad to see Nintendo crapping on the legacies of it's game series in such a way. I guess we'll see what comes of all this...

8/22/01 - Okashina Okashi Crossover week!

Another day, another comic. I like the punchline in this one much better than the first, and as for the art... uhhhh... well, it's still copy-pasted. Hey, sue me. Oh, and before I forget to mention it, I've pulled down the Project Fanboy link because, frankly, I thought the strip was getting a bit boring. Eh, sorry.

8/20/01 - Okashina Okashi Crossover week!

That's right! All this week, we're bringing you keen crossover strips featuring Ellie and Keiko from Okashina Okashi: Strange Candy, one of the other great strips on the web. I actually made these strips myself a few weeks back, and I got Emi-Chan's OK to use them, so... uhh... here they are!

Anyways, in other news, apparently MS is going to require bundle deals for any additional X-Box reserves... Not that I really care. I wasn't gonna' get an X-Box anyways. But since I did have an interest in DOA3, this makes it much easier to console myself that, yes, $500 IS too much to spend just to play one game I'm interested in.

On the other hand, Nintendo is adamant not to do Gamecube bundle deals, which also doesn't matter much to me, 'cause I was gonna' be buying one and a couple (At the rate they're going, ALL) of the launch games anyways. And if you're still one of the poor souls that think this is gonna' be a kiddy system, you need to check out Rogue Leader... and Wave Race... and PSO... and Metroid...

... Ooooooh, I can't wait for Spaceworld...

Tim's Clever Banter
8/24/01 - Tim: The Return: Part II: Attack of the Phantom Clones

Yeah, sorry about the last commentary. That wasn't much of a return... more like a mention OF a return... but not an actual... return. Eh, whatever. I'll try and balance drawing shoddy strips and writing asinine commentaries this time around.

Well, let's see. What should I comment on...


First of all, this whole Okashina Okashi Week is all JAKE'S idea. I'm just in the background perfecting Mognet's finely-crafted, epic storyline into a wonderful smorgasbord of purdy pitchers. That's all. ...Still, this week gives me time to stock up on strips, and I think this crossover is supposed to attract more readers. I'm still figuring out how. I mean, where the frell ARE you people? Off course, the only way I could find out is on the forum... so sign up and post! Post like the wind!

But fret not, for Mognet will be back to (ab)normal Monday, featuring CASPIAN X, TIM MAGUS, and ISH in Neon Genesis Evangelion's Tokyo-3! OH YEAH! How's that for a story arc? Evangelion... man, what a twisted anime that is. Especially End of Evangelion, which I hear will be out on DVD within a month... if you want anime that will haunt you for the rest of your life, I recommend End of Eva. Watching the TV series is, off course, required. I have much, much more to say about the enigma that is Eva, but I'll save that for more banal commentaries in the future...

In other anime news, I collected all six Cowboy Bebop DVDs, thus completing the series... A great, great series. It would be a sin not to offer my opinion on the controversial (when are endings NOT controversial?) ending, so: I thought it was an appropriate end, and maybe even inevitable one. One thing's for sure... it was an entertaining finale. Kudos to the Bebop Team for crafting such a classic. I anticipate the movie, Knockin' on Heavens Door with... MUCH ANTICIPATION! AHAHAHA!!!

Drrrrr...... OH! I'm currently playing Klonoa 2... Yeah. It's nice to play an oldschool platformer on a next-gen system, especially one so... CUTE!!! WAI~! *pokes Popka and Tat and Baguji and Lolo* Oops, sorry, Lolo... Also finished Onimusha. Very good action game (with a very cool ending! Blud and gutz RULEZ!)... now for Shadow of Destiny... Still hacking away at Final Fantasy Tactics. What a tough-ass game that is. I'm still in Chapter-freakin'-2. And off course, there's the I-just-purchased-it Project Justice, which is the hot topic on our forum.

Wow. That was one boring commentary. Sentence fragments. Phrases, even. I'll try and be more insightful next time.


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