Jake's Clever Banter
8/31/01 - GaAack

Edit: Update! I've made it a point not to add webcomics to my links page unless I've read through the whole thing and are current on it. That's right- I've read through and am currently up-to-date on all the comics on my links page. I only say this because there's a comic I've been meaning to add for a long time, but have only just now gotten caught up with it. Player Versus Player will now enjoy a spot on my links page, taking up the hole left in Project Fanboy's wake (Which, if you don't remember, was removed because it's become damn boring). Erm... We now return you to your regularly scheduled whatever.

Well, crikey. Even though my commentary looks first 'cause it's on the left hand side, Tim wrote his first today, and a lot of the stuff he talks about, I wanted to talk about. So... Err... Aw, hell. I'll talk about it anyways.

First and foremost, The GIA is indeed running into hard times, and I say that we most certainly can not let it suffer the same fate as more deserving websites like Daily Radar. This is the best source of console RPG info on the web, and it's also like a second home to me as well. I hope to all that is good and pure that they pull through this.

And I guess I shouldn't even bother talking about Mario Kart. If you have a GBA, you have Mario Kart by this point. And if you don't, I take pity on your soul. Although I'm still deciding on the gameplay side of things (Which is VERY nice, but I'm still not sure if it's as nice as the original), this game is graphically BETTER than the SNES counterpart. All in all, an outstanding game worthy of being called a system-seller (Which it kinda' is).

And about today's strip- Yeah. Although I've darted back and forth between the EVA girls (In terms of who I like best), Tim is smitten with Rei, so when writing this story arc, I figured it would only be fitting to go in that direction.

And, poo. I know I had more to talk about, but I can't remember any of it.

8/29/01 - A love/hate relationship...

I hate my job. Every day I go to work, I have to suppress a shudder. I work around people I hate, doing things I don't like to do, working to ends I don't agree with, for a paycheck that isn't nearly as much as I'd like. You ever see the movie Office Space? Well, take away the cubicles, add an ugly-ass store shirt, and have me repeating the same thing over and over and over again to customers, and that's me. The boss in that movie? He's my boss. Remember Milton? I have to nod in recognition to him as he rambles on every time I see him.

And yet, I love my job. People actually get this crazy idea that I'm knowledgable about something. Isn't that a kick? And through the entire time I've been working there, I've gotten two computers, a PDA, and thousands of dollars in free (Non-warez: The genuine article) software. I often wonder why I go through the crap they put me through, but every now and then, I run into a day like today.

You see, today we had vendor training. And for about three and a half hours, I was paid to sit on my ass, drink soda and eat popcorn, while a rep for Monster cables yakked on about their products. And at the end, I walked away with about $300 worth of free Monster cables (And if you're thinking about a bunch of boring wires, keep in mind that these are, like, the BEST boring wires you can get).

I'm not trying to brag. If anyone is jealous of me, keep in mind I have days like this maybe four times a year. The rest of my year? Well... watch Office Space. Sure, I work retail, and not in an actual... well, office. But that's just trading one kind of shit for another. Erm... Anyways, I just thought this little bit was amusing.

... And I finally finished the fourth EVA graphic novel, and these things just keep getting better and better. All this talk recently about me liking Rei better than Asuka... Well, this latest graphic novel may well have turned the tables. Ahh... it's so hard to choose. Wait, I'm technically ogling fourteen-year-olds, aren't I? Ah, crap, it's ink and paint. I think I can get away with that... Err...

AN-yways, today's strip was a big fat pain in the ass. Ish went on vacation, so I didn't know if it'd be colored in time, and even then, it had to go through a few revisions. And after all that, I don't even really think I like the punchline. I put Tim and Ish through hell on this one, and in the end, I think my writing was destined to be the weakest link. Don't worry, guys! I can do better!

8/27/01 - San Dimas high school football RULES!

Sorry... I just saw that movie again (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure), and it still cracks me up. I mean, there are so many ways it could've gone wrong, and so many times it borders on being too cheesy, but despite that whoever made the film obviously stumbled into it, they made a movie that even though it's something like a decade old, is still pretty damn good today.

Anyways, I have to say, I'm dissapointed in myself. After Tim used such a sexxxxxxy pic of Rei last week, I countered with what was possibly one of the worst Asuka pics on the web. And again, this week, Tim gives me an AWESOME pic of Rei, so I have to find something good for my side. This time, though I don't think I've matched him, I at least got something in the same league. Next week, no doubt I'll toss a bit more variety into my pics (Instead of plopping Asuka pic after Asuka pic up there... I think I too perfer Rei, anyways)- I'll probably go the route of Megatokyo's Dom and use videogame screenshots.

Anyways, as long as we're on the topic of EVA, I should say I just got the first four Evangelion graphic novels, and though expensive, they are just awesome, and I reccomend them to any fan of the series. They offer a different perspective than the anime, and most of the characters seem a great deal more sympathetic. Shinji, Rei, and Gendo all seem to take on a great deal more depth in the graphic novel, and just seem a great deal more... human. Misato, on the other hand, seems more cold-hearted, which is a pity, since she was the one pure ray of hope in the series.

Oh, and I also read Fight Club. And though I think it's an excellent book, I don't agree with the sentiment most people have that it's a must-read even if you've seen the movie. Really, David Fincher did an incredible job converting the book to movie form- Every little thing Tyler Durden or the narrator say, seemingly random tidbits, are almost all taken directly from one point or another in the book, and cleaned up in their presentation in such a way that, I think, the movie is a great deal better than the book- and you will rarely hear me say that about a book that later became a movie.

In other news, there's a new piece of art I've drawn for your viewing pleasure today (That's right, I make crude attempts at art from time to time). See it here. This is actually something a bit out-of-the-ordinary here- it's a self-portrait I drew of myself. Yeah, I know it's a bit lopsided and funny-lookin', but I still think it turned out very well. Though I usually hate my sad attempts at anime art, I'm almost always very satisfied for my portrait drawings, and I don't think this is any exception.

Anyways.... Uhhh... It's getting late (Or early, rather), and I think I'll get this update goin'.

Tim's Clever Banter
8/31/01 - Pure Heart

...is a damn fine version of Aeris' Theme. It's so... Mitsuda-esque... it's PERFECT!! Sorry, just gotta get that outta the way...

Anyway, it's really late again, cuz I gotta run tomorrow. I know, I'm dumbass for writing this so late. Sue me. I'll just throw a bunch of sentence fragments at ya.

Ahem... here we go!!

GIA's down for the count. Readers are sending their life's savings. GIA readers rock. WOO! Saw O Brother, Where Art Thou. Not as good as Fargo or Raising Arizona but still spiffy. Devil May Cry demo r0x0rz w17h 4 v3ng34nc3. Play it. Now. Saw the Christopher Walken music video. Wanna dance like him. Wanna be him. He's so cool. Saw The Curse of the Jade Scorpion last night. Nifty film. Woody Allen's good. Kevin Smith's good. Two totally different style. But both good. Man, am I smart. Good for me! Got Mario Kart for GBA. Very keen. Played multiplayer with Ish and some other guy. Will play again. Today's strip is a favorite. Yeah. You know why. Rei rocks. So do Rei's silky thighs, her hips, her calves, her... MAMMARIES! Okay. Time to dream sweet dreams. Night night.

8/27/01 - Mognet: The Law Defying Webcomic

Well now, was that a keen strip or what? I think so. Yes, indeed I do.


Man, I'm boring. Just got back from seeing Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Pretty funny movie if you're not offended -- by anything, at all -- but it doesn't top Clerks. American History X was another movie RECENTLY seen... and boy, was it good... again, recommended as long as you're not offended by anything, at all. Ed Norton is quite an actor, and definitely one of the best working today. I always need to round out my stoner/Neo Nazi movie sessions with something about Satan so I watched Rosemary's Baby too. Very spiffy, freaky film. I can see where the Playstation classic Silent Hill drew some of its inspiration from...

Speaking of Silent Hill, its sequel is out within a month, alongside Ico and slew of other sure-classic Playstation 2 games. I'm afraid the GameCube and all it has to offer will have to wait until next year, or something, because the PS2 will OWN me this season! SH2, Ico, Devil May Cry, and Metal Gear Solid 2... Whew.

Crap, I gotta cut this commentary short... writing it in advance, I gotta run with my cross country team tomorrow... Ciao!

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