Jake's Clever Banter
9/7/01 - Alright, then *Draws sword*.... Let's dance.

Next week is gonna' be heaven and hell. Very busy. For starters, Tim and Ish are both working feverishly (I hope) on two strips that are both pressed for time. I'll probably be moving next week, I'm going to a Microsoft vendor training that'll net me a sweet free copy of Win XP, the store I'm working at is getting a very close inspection by some bigwigs from the corporate offices, a friend's birthday party on Saturday, and a full work schedule next week.

... Gee, I sure whine a lot, don't I? Well, that's about all I had to say anyways.

9/5/01 - Will wonders never cease...

Apparently, Sony released a first-party DVD remote for the PS2 today. No fanfare, no mention on any of the gaming websites (So far as I've seen), and just appearing on gamestore shelves to provoke questions from random shoppers. "Sony makes their own remote?", "What do they do differently?", "What's with all the buttons?", "Why do I need to have space on my mem card for it?"


What!? Don't look at me! I don't have all the answers! Okay, Okay, so I did get one, but I haven't had the chance to use it yet. So far, what I know is this- the remote comes with new drivers for the DVD player (Ver 2.1, for those that care), that work with the remote to do keen stuff like Slow-Mo and scene selection memory (For those wierd people who want to jump automatically from scene fifteen to scene three to scene eight). Unfortunately, it doesn't have a controller pass-through port, and to the best of my knowledge, doesn't have frame advance ( :-( ), but it's still probably the best remote on the system, though I'll probably end up using the Dualshock 2 anyways...

And as long as we're on the topic of the PS2, good lord, this is gonna' be an awesome 3 months for Sony's system. You can check out this IGN article for the whole thing, but in my opinion, these are the highlights:

This month- Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, Capcom vs. SNK 2, Ico, Spy Hunter, and Silent Hill 2. Next month- Devil May Cry, Giants: Citizen Kabuto, Guilty Gear X, Half-Life, Herdy Gerdy, Max Payne, No One Lives Forever, Time Crisis 2, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3. November- Black and White, Deus Ex, Dropship, Jak and Daxter, Maximo, MGS2, Ninja Gaiden (!?), Police 911, SSX Tricky, Tenchu 3, Tribes, Tsugunai, Wave Rally, Wipeout Fusion.

Now, as much as I'm anticipating the Gamecube launch (*Decides not to mention the X-Box, as it's unfair to kick someone when they're down*), I have to admit, through until the end of the year, I think everything's gonna' pale in comparison to the PS2. If you can't sort through that list of games and find one title that makes your heart leap for joy, I pity you. We have ports of incredible games from the PC (And Japanese Dreamcast games that will sadly never see light of day on it's American counterpart), sequels to awesome game series, and extremely promising original titles, too. My wallet's gonna' feel a whole lot emptier this Christmas (But I'll be a better person for it).

Erm... uhm... Geez, this doesn't look good, with Tim over there ranting about how boring long rants can be. So... uhh... as for today's strip... well, if you watch EVA, you probably know Tim's frustration. I bet, in real life, Rei would be the kind of girl you'd wonder if she's making faces at you while your back is turned.

*Turns around* Ha! I caught- ... Damn, you're still just staring at me...

9/3/01 - Good Lord, updates shouldn't take me this long

Yeah, with today's strip, we went for high-class all the way. Nothing says "sophisticated" better than when one uses the oft-neglected alternate way of spelling "nekkid". This whole strip brings a tear to my eye, really.

Also, I've changed my little pic thingy up top to something less "I'm a guy and I like cute anime chickies!" in nature. No, this is more of a "I'm a cheap bastard and steal screenshots from other websites" kinda' thing.

But either way, I wanted to use something that really showed off how awesome-looking some of the Gamecube games are (As I think many still think it's just a kiddy system, which... uhhh... it may or may not be), and though I wanted to lead with Waverace or Star Wars, this pic from SSB: Melee was the one that I thought looked the best. I mean, sure, it could still be considered a kiddy game, but GAW, WHAT a kiddy game!

Have you people gotten Mario Kart for the GBA yet? My god, this is the game that keeps on giving. In total, this game looks to have forty levels- twenty completely new levels and twenty rippeed straight from the first game that are unlockable if you do well enough in the new levels. Jebus, they even have all the original music and everything in the classic levels! Nothing beats racing through Bowser's Castle with the awesome hard rock version of Super Mario World's final boss music playing in the background...

... And that reminds me- They're re-releasing Super Mario World on GBA! Now, I know many are dissapointed that Mario Advance 2 turned out to be nothing more than another port, but the way I see it, I get to play one of my all-time favorite games in portable form! Bring it on! I don't care what people say- This is a trend I definetly want to see continue.

Let's see... what else... Oh, I saw the first Trigun DVD, for all you people bugging me about it. I'd say it was good, not great. I'll definetly continue on in the series, though. Oh, and I saw those Daft Punk music videos on Toonami, too! But... the guy, and the rock group, and the kidnappers, and... when are we gonna' see what happens to 'em? I hope this means we'll see a follow-up sometime in the future. And damn, I wish my sister didn't kick me off so I could've seen those Gorrilaz videos... oh well...

*Singing* One more time, I've got this feelin' so free, c'mon and celebrate, celebrate and dance so free... One more time...
A feeling of
Tim's Clever Banter
9/7/01 - Meanwhile, in the lair of the Mind Taker...

Finally, a strip without my-- err, Tim's sexual frustration as the focus. May Caspian's goofy expressions treat the pain Tim's tactlessness caused you! .................................Crap.

Well, the first three days of school are finally over. They haven't been too traumatic, but hey, the year is young. At least I've got two days to recuperate. Two days of endless comic drawing and homework. GOOD FOR ME! I can't rememeber the last time I even looked at Final Fantasy Tactics or Shadows of Destiny. Even the American Beauty DVD I'm borrowing is collecting dust. Maybe I should go on another vacation... Oh, by the way Jake, I don't mean anything by that -_^.

Hmmm..... I was killed once before. By a woman. You take women too lightly my friend. On the contrary. Catch ya later. Wakantanka, guide his spirit.

...Yeah, I've got nothing left to say except Cowboy Bebop dialogue. I suppose I could talk about the new Legend of Zelda for GameCube. I think the new cel-shaded look is an awesome change to the series... but if ya think about it, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask were pretty darn cartoony too. Just look at ANY of the villagers Link comes across in Hyrule and Termina, and TRY not to laugh. It can't be done. So I welcome the cel-shaded look to the Zelda series with open arms... as long as it's not just used for shock value. I want gameplay changes too, dang it!! Like less fetch quests...

Ever been to Mars? I was born on Mars. I hear they have everything there! It must be a great place to live! Sure, if you're rich. Then I'm sure we'll be quite happy....Trying to escape to Mars huh... Who are you?! Just an old-fashioned cowboy!

9/5/01 - I can snap my back on cue.

It's true. I can.

Well, that was another sophisticated comic strip milestone brought to you by Jake and I. We take pride knowing that we're capable of such fine examples of deep characterization.

But enough crap. Time to bitch and rant. Today's the first day of my Junior year and I hope it's a good one... a good first day and a good year. Yeah. That's about all I can say about that.... thought I had more.

I gotta wonder how guys like Piro (Megatokyo), Tycho (Penny Arcade) and Ian (RPG World) write those lengthy rants. Who could write that much about nothing? Who'd read it? ...Well, I guess I would. And I AM writing nothing, basically... and I do expect you peons-- er, loyal fans to read this. So I might as well make it semi-interesting. Hmm. Hmm-hmm-hmm, indeed...

Well, uh... I gotta say. I'm still proud to be an owner of the Sony Playstation 2. I recently downloaded that MP3 of the Xenosaga trailer the GIA's got. Sure, I've already got the trailer itself but having the soundtrack as a standalone file is nice... Point is: Hotdamn I want that game. It's the prequel to one of the greatest RPGs ever, it's got fantastic character design courtesy of Kunihiko Tanaka, music by Yasunori Mitsuda (YEAH!!!!) and basically everything else going for it that made Xenogears before it so damn KEEN.

Once again... Go, PS2, go, PS2, GO! Go, PS2, go, PS2, GO! WOO!!!

9/4/01 - The end of a season

Sorry I didn't get my commentary in yesterday. I was too busy reflecting on the past year. For you see, tomorrow, I become a junior in high school. Yes, that's right... the first day of school. What awaits me is a year of uncertainty. Will I do well in all my classes? How will I act in front of people I don't know? What should I say to those whom I have not seen in an entire summer? Will I be able to juggle time between cross country, homework, Mognet, AND still find time to play the latest and greatest Playstation 2 games? ...Can I successfully make it through to the next summer?

Although it's depressing it ended so quickly, the summer has not been wasted. No, far from it. I have made many memories, memories that are sure to be cherished for lifetimes. I've shook hands with Bruce Campbell, attained the Game Boy Advance, seen every (worthwhile) summer blockbuster, visited two European countries, and even started a webcomic... all the while keeping my friends and family close by.

No, it was not a wasted summer. And this forthcoming year will make additional memories to cherish... or regret...

Damn, am I deep. See? It's not every day I'm a raving lunatic. Those're my OFF days! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! ...No, I don't get it either.

ANYWAY, I suppose I'd better apologize for yesterday's strip. It's been told that I am "smitten" with Evangelion's Rei Ayanami, and that is true. Oh, yes. So true, it's SICKENING how obsessed I am with her. I've made sure everything I wear, eat, bathe with, sit on, touch, caress, get my freak on with, has Rei's image on it somewhere. Now how SICK to your STOMACH do you feel now?


AHAHA!! I'm just jostlin' ya, I'm not that disgustingly pathetic. But with a little elbow grease, I can be.

In other news, it looks as if The GIA will be A-OK for the next nine months or so. I've gotta say: THEIR READERS KICK ASS!! Now if only I had something to do with it!

*rereads commentary* Hmm... I feel enlightened and dirty at the same time... sorta like that movie Fight Club.

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