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Jake's Clever Banter
10/19/01 - Ohhhhhohohohohoho...

OK, so I've been playing this little game called "Devil May Cry", see. Maybe you've heard of it. Yeah, I only mention it because it FRIGGIN' ROCKS THE PLANET! Picture everything you know and love about gunfights in anime and John Woo movies. Then picture everything you know and love about swordfights in anime and games like Soul Calibur. Now melt them together into a game with perfect controls that's oozing with style, and you start to get what Devil May Cry is.

How do I explain... OK, picture this. Here's an example of a fight using just the basic moves you begin the game with. You're fighting this group of monsters in a room, and they've teamed up to form a kind of wall of sorts. You're firing your two guns (A black one and a white one, named Ebony and Ivory- how cool is THAT?) in rapid-fire manner so fast that it sounds like a machine gun going off. You're holding them at bay, backing off a bit, and every now and then picking one off, when you start to realize that they're leaving orbs (The game's currency) behind.

"Well, crap," you think, "Just why the hell AM I keeping my distance, anyways? So, you run up to the group, jump up to one of the ghoulies, jump off his head and flip around to the other side, firing your guns on the way down. Then, you use your sword to slash one into the air, and again, and again, juggling him, then you use a huge sword swipe that hits him again and brings you into the air with him, fire off your guns at him point blank, and bring the sword crashing down at him as he falls.

Trust me when I say, as cool as this may sound, it is nothing compared to seeing it yourself. You MUST play this game. Good lord, I never knew what I was missing. Every time I played a game just to get in a good ass-kickin', I've been settling for something less. Ohhhhh...

Aaaaand the contest ends tonight at midnight PST. Be sure to get in your entries before then!

10/17/01 - Yeah, he's back...

I had two choices today- put up a Shirt-Guy Gom strip, or don't put up a strip at all. Popular opinion on the boards is that stick figures beat nothing, so... well, here he is.

Also, I've talked about my X-Box experiences very in-depth on our messageboards, as well as the GIA messageboards. My thoughts can be accessed here and here. Please feel free to post a reply or sumthin'.

Also, as for the contest, the entries are pretty good so far, but I want more! C'mon, people, this is one of the best RPGs of all time here! And even if you don't win, now's the chance for me to openly mock your entries! Can't beat that, eh? EH?

Another thing... Do you guys even like these contests? I figger gettin' something for nothing is a kinda' sweet deal, but I can understand if this might be getting a bit annoying. Please feel free to let me know on the forums, because I'm sorta' considering starting another contest (Yes, in ADDITION to the one going now and the one Tim and I have been planning).

Also, please tell me- do you bother reading this commentary? Does my droning on about my life, videogames, and whatnot bore you? In the wake of Tim's half-absence, I'd like to try and improve things as much as possible here, but I can't do that if I don't know what I'm doing wrong (And what I'm doing right, for that matter)

And lookee, lookee... Devil May Cry is out tomorrow... Hehehehehe...

10/15/01 - Perhaps I mis-explained

Don't be mad at Tim, guys. Like me, he's not getting any money for this, and he really does work hard. His life's been busy lately, and it's completely understandable if his work (Or lack therof) reflects that. Apparently, some of you took this contest the wrong way, either thinking I was indicating that Tim was being lazy, or that I was angry and dissapointed with him- both of these couldn't be farther from the truth.

The contest was made as a kind of half-joke at the current situation, to poke some light-hearted fun at Tim, and to help give the readership something to do while Tim tries to catch up. I respect Tim very deeply, and I'd never wish any ill on him, and even though I thought this was understood, I want to be very clear on this point. Oh, and don't even joke about sending him spam. That just ain't right. ;-)

In other news, I'm heading to the X-Box whozit tomorrow, and I have mixed feelings about the thing. On the one hand, I'm less than enthusiastic about the system, but on the other hand, I want to give it a fair chance. I mean, the majority of us have had the same unenthusiastic (To put it mildly) attitude about Microsoft's new gizmo, but very few of us have actually played it. Who knows- maybe it's not just the "m4d gr4f1x, d00d!!!1!", but actual substance. Then again, fellow GIA poster XZelLDX had the chance to try one the other day, and says that Halo's more or less like Quake, and Oddworld's like Super Mario 64 with bad controls, so I'm not sure what to expect. I'll most definetly try to get my hands on DOA3, and after that, it really depends what they'll let me at...

Meantime, at my actual job, things are changing. It seems CompUSA is changing the way it works on a fundamental basis and, wouldn't you know it- I'm our store's new Gaming Expert. That's right, it's my official title. It'll probably be on my nametag and everything. Basically, the majority of my job now is to stand around talking about games... and I'm actually getting paid for it. Wierd, huh?

In any case, no doubt I'll have lots of interesting stuff to talk about next update, just in case Tim doesn't have another comic ready. ;-)

Ha ha! I laugh at you!
Tim's Clever Banter
10/9/01 - Sincerity or sarcasm? You make the call!

Another comic strip done late. I suppose I should apologize now: Sorry!

Today, I think I'll explain a little bit about NERV, the U.N.-backed based in Tokyo-3, Japan. NERV was founded a little while after the Second Impact, its goal is, basically, to defeat the Angels and to prevent a Third Impact from ever happening. NERV's Project E, an effort between Japan, America, and Germany, gave way to the construction of the Evangelions -- the biomechanical robots of the title. The mothers of Shinji and Asuka were involved heavily in Project E, until... well, until they died. Dr. Ritsuko Akagi, a NERV technician and friend to Misato, also had a mother who died during Project E's duration.

However, before Dr. Akagi's death, she had the three main parts of her personality transplanted into three LARGE computers: the MAGI, consisting of Melchior, Gaspar, and Belthasar. These three supercomputers control NERV and the rest of Tokyo-3.

Beans beans beans.

By the way, fanservice is basically gratuitous shots of female naughty bits... dedicated to the fans! WOO!!!

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